Friday, May 04, 2007

GOP Hopefuls Opine

The first Republican presidential candidates "debate" last night was in many respects a yawn.... but, it did have a crazy-aunt-in-the-attic moment for the ten Bush wanna-bes.

When asked for a show of hands for those who didn't believe in evolution..... the flat-earthers responding were Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado. These three definitely go to the back of the class with the slow-learners.

I kept looking for the apple that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had on hand for MSNBC moderator Chris Matthews.... Mitt is such a perfect teacher's pet.... well prepared, face scrubbed, not a hair out of place.... just too perfect. We need a Mitt Romney doll, just wind him up and he delivers his focus-group talking-points to the background of Hail-to-the-Chief.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona was animated, although he had a momentary "deer in headlights" moment when asked directly if he believed in evolution. He did give the old straight talk answer of "yes".... before shifting into his Falwell pandering-gear by adding when he's in the Grand Canyon, he sees God's hand over the horizon.

Actually, what McCain sees over the horizon is Joe Lieberman's hand waving his Straight Talk Express into the lane for presidential race losers. When asked what Democrat he would have in his cabinet if he became president, McCain named Lieberman with the same passion usually reserved for a hot prom date.

A subdued former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was the only one of the ten to hedge over whether the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade.... although he made it clear that he "hates" abortion, as if rival Democrats or anyone supporting a woman's right to chose doesn't hate abortion. The other nine took the GOP safe "overturn" path, each trying to out-forceful-reply the other.

Rep. Ron Paul of Texas was the only one not supporting The Decider's troop buildup in Iraq, and actually mentioned GOP-abandoned items like upholding the Constitution and reducing spending. His biggest contribution, however, was that he made McCain appear young.

The former governor of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson.... not Fred who kept his standing by not being in the lineup.... had the best Ronald Reagan brown-nose line recalling Reagan's optimism and "belief that America could be stronger and better tomorrow than it is today"... which is perfectly true as soon as we can rid ourselves of the Bush mafia.

California Rep. Duncan Hunter (great name) thinks he's the reincarnation of Patton.... but he didn't move his campaign forward much with so many other stage-generals trying to show their commander-in-chief mettle.

James Gilmore, former governor of Virginia didn't move the audience recognition needle much off 0.... what is it with former governors? Being a big fish in Virginia's pond doesn't equate to making a splash in the national ocean.

And that's how I saw it, the Republican debate. McCain perhaps summed up his party's "be very afraid" mantra the best.... "We must win in Iraq.... If we withdraw, there will be chaos, there will be genocide and they will follow us home."

No. A Democrat must win the election.... or, there will be chaos, there will be more war and corruption, and the GOP will follow us into our homes.


Anonymous said...

I see this article made NO mention of Ron Paul taking the lead in every category of this GOP convention. WHY? You like hiding the real News?

Nancy Tyrrel said...

Anonymous.... You must not have read my post fully. I did mention Paul:

"Rep. Ron Paul of Texas was the only one not supporting The Decider's troop buildup in Iraq, and actually mentioned GOP-abandoned items like upholding the Constitution and reducing spending. His biggest contribution, however, was that he made McCain appear young."

I think I gave him quite a good mention considering the fact he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination.