Sunday, March 16, 2008

Obama Gains 9 Iowa Delegates

A new development in Iowa may be one of the most important.... and under reported.... events in the Democratic presidential campaign.... "Obama gains delegates at county conventions." (DMRegister)

While the Sunday talk shows sail down hate-baiting campaign rapids intended to "swiftboat" Barack Obama, he is quietly making real progress where it matters.... the safe harbor of delegates.

"Obama improved on the 38 percent he received statewide in winning January's leadoff caucuses. He did that in part by picking up at the [county] conventions more support than Clinton from supporters of John Edwards. He also posted big margins in Iowa's largest counties and edged Clinton in some counties she carried on caucus night."

In all, Obama "gained nine national convention delegates after all of the results came in from Iowa's 99 counties"... Clinton's delegate count shrunk by one.

It seems Iowans aren't taken in by the vicious by-association assault on Obama. They have listened to his vision for the country, noted his brilliance, sound judgment and presidential temperament and gotten on board.

In a perfect world, Obama's voyage to the nomination would be easy sailing.

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