Thursday, January 04, 2007

Can Negroponte Bail?

"Negroponte to Leave Job to Be State Dept. Deputy." It's difficult to read the tea leaves about this sudden announcement of the downward-slide of National Intelligence Director John Negroponte to sub-cabinet deputy to Secretary of State Condi Rice. (WaPo)

Does it signal a nod toward more emphasis on a diplomatic and political solution for Iraq since Negroponte has strong State Department credentials.... Foreign Service officer from 1960 to 1997, and with the current administration U.S. representative to the United Nations and ambassador to Iraq before moving to the national intelligence position.

Or just to prop up Condi the Unready.

A mere three weeks ago, on December 14, Negroponte asserted to the editors of the Washington Post his commitment to remain at his post in intelligence.

So, what has changed?

Maybe it's simply since the electorate rescued the legislative branch from the GOP's corrupt do-nothing grip.... turning it over to the Democrats who vow to restore the House and Senate to independent functioning bodies.... The Decider is feeling the squeeze.

He must at least make a show of getting serious about addressing his deadly war in Iraq.

We'll soon know. The Decider plans to unveil his new Iraq strategy soon, and Negroponte may play a pivotal role in that strategy.

Let's hope the Negroponte move signals more than just shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic, for Bush's Iraq war could sink us all.

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